Upcoming Groups
Women in Connection
6:30pm to 8:00pm
This is a weekly Experiential group facilitated by Tonya Pignato for women, who struggle with taking care of themselves emotionally and confuse selfishness with self care.
The group members will address:
· Codependent behaviors
· Unworthiness and
Self-esteem issues
· Barriers to communication
· Connection and intimacy
· Unhealthy relationship cycles
· Family origin issues.
Many times, past trauma can separate individuals from who they really are. This group will help reclaim your authentic self by breaking down the invisible barriers
The cost is $50.00 per week
Building Better Partnerships
6:30pm to 8:00pm
This is a 12 week Experiential Group facilitated by Noel Neu and Tonya Pignato
This group is for couples, men and women who are struggling with communication, and need a safe setting to build trust and a deeper connection.
The group will allow us to explore unhealthy relationship patterns that get in the way of the love that is desired. You will gain tools to improve getting your needs met in current partnerships and in creating new ones.
Treating Trauma
Eye Movement Desensitation and Reprocessing
Treating Trauma
Tonya has treated individuals effected by trauma since 1993. Her work in the inpatient and outpatient environments allowed her to grow her concentration in treating trauma victims. Tonya works with victims of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, as well as ritual sexual abuse, and victims of domestic abuse.
Trauma results at any time when you perceive that your control has been taken away and there is a fear of danger. Tonya believes that trauma memory is not only in the brain but in our bodies. Our bodies have a memory all their own. She has found that people who has grown up in a dysfunctional household have a similar trauma. Therefore, she works a lot with Adult Children of Dysfunctional families and codependency.
Tonya uses experiential and psycho-drama techniques to help individuals gain insight and begin the process of healing. Through the use of alternative techniques, individuals can not only work through the memories but heal.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
Tonya Menz Pignato is trained in EMDR. This techniques has prove to be useful in the treatment of simple or complex trauma. Bilateral stimulations assist in processing memories that would otherwise be stuck , like a snapshot in your mind. Having a memory stuck, sets the individual up to be triggered emotionally to other stimuli with similar feelings. Tonya has successfully used this technique with individuals experiencing emotional trauma from a wide variety of events.
EMDR with psychotherapy is very helpful to assist individuals in growing, when they feel "stuck". Please read more about EMDR at their website at http://www.emdr.com/ Tonya trusts the process of the human mind and is respectful of each person's own path. The path of changing negative thoughts into positive belief systems is necessary to recovery. Using a variety of skills, Tonya can help individuals reach their ideal goal.